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Join ISHA!

HELP unite Idaho’s speech, language, and hearing practitioners so the communities we serve thrive

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if not you, then who?

Shaking Hands

Why join?

Female Developers


ISHA Members enjoy unique opportunities to collaborate with other SLPs and audiologists at regional events. This is a fantastic way to maintain and create professional connections across work settings! Join today to become a member of the ISHA community!

Book of French Laws

Advocate Your Needs

ISHA works tirelessly to advocate for the needs of our professionals and our clients.  By becoming a member of this professional organization, you are lending your voice and support at the state and national level.  Without you, our impact diminishes!  Please join today!

Washington Monument

Connect with Legislators

ISHA has developed relationships  with state legislators who are ready to listen to YOUR concerns about a variety of topics.  Join today to make your voice heard! 

Students Join ISHA 2025!
Only $10.00 and in your first year as a CFY!

Students and those in CFY pay here for a reduced rate!


Life Members

If you qualify for Life Membership, please contact the administrative assistant at


per ISHA by-laws,

Article IV, Section 2, Eligibility: 

Persons who have been Active Members in good standing for ten (10) years and have reached the age of sixty-two (62).

Article IV, Section 3, Membership Privileges: 

Life Members shall have full membership rights and responsibilities which include voting and holding office. Life Members do not get free registration for ISHA convention. 

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ISHA Code of Ethics

ISHA Bylaws

ISHA Strategic Plan

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