Good morning, Good afternoon, or Good evening! Dr. Kris Brock, here….and I’m the host of Speech Paths...but I’m also Assistant Professor at Idaho State University in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, and President-Elect of ISHA. Do I really have three jobs? Oh my goodness.
April's Video or Audio Episode (S01E03): Treatment Intensity for children with Language Disorders with Dr. Mary Beth Schmitt. Not as familiar with treatment intensity as you like? That's okay! Brush up on it with the Warren et al (2007) file.
You know, Speech Paths is all about that research, that evidence-based practice. But if you’re like me…and the hundreds of students I have taught over the last 6 years, do you ever read an article’s title or abstract and think, “This is gonna be good, game changing even, reva….wait for it…LUtionary! REVOLUTIONARY”….then it’s not, and you’re only left wondering how you can actually apply that research. Or you implement the article’s intervention…and guess what? It didn’t work! We clearly see the utility and the importance of the work; however, how do we take that information out of ResearchLand and apply it to your workloads and caseloads? This is an all too common problem with research: it’s too well-controlled and the populations don’t represent the demographics of our countries. And you know what, the researchers themselves are often highly skilled in the particular area, and those individuals have connections to the most skilled allied professionals and graduate students to implement their work. So when it comes time for the clinician, who may or may not have those skills or same interests as the researcher, to implement the evidence, no one should be shocked that it didn’t work. We call this problem the research to practice gap.
To fix the problem, the solution is relatively straightforward: take research out of the lab and into the community. This genre of science is often called Translational Research in which scientists work with local communities, clinicians, allied professionals, and systems analysts to increase the chances that an intervention will actually work for those who it is intended for.
So in comes Dr. Mary Beth Schmitt, and she will be talking about treatment intensity metrics that lead to the best possible language outcomes.
Listen to the episode, then complete the CEU Learning Outcomes Form to get .1 ASHA CEUs. Guess what ISHA members....IT's FREE
